Times for Breakout Sessions are just placeholders. Actual times will not be assigned until early April.
Thursday May 15, 2025 TBA
Beginning spring 2024, librarians in the reference, outreach, and instruction department at University of Massachusetts, Boston worked to substantially increase outreach efforts with the goal of sharing resources, reducing barriers to access, and creating a culture where the library is present, listening, and supporting students. Presenters will share a toolbox containing eight unique outreach events, planning documents showing adaptations made, and more. Join us in discourse of how librarians can initiate and use outreach to support students beyond traditional orientations, instruction, and reference services in a way that is sustainable and considers the needs and identities of our specific communities.

Lauren Movlai

Reference & Instruction Librarian, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Elliott Rose

STEM Librarian, Penn State University
Thursday May 15, 2025 TBA

Attendees (1)

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